Excuse me while I go off the topic for just this post. I've just finished a book and I'd like to recommend it. It's not about the paranormal but I could draw a long bow and say that it is about research.
All this new technology! Are you on top of it? Did I mention how much the internet changes while I had my nose in al those journals dating back decades? Well there's been this explosion of technological connections and I've just finished a great book that has in some ways brought me up to speed with Web 2.0 and social media. If anyone is interested in understanding - rationalizing? - this latest wave (before the next wave arrives) - I'd recommend reading this book. Sure it's a hardback and it's got graphs and statistics and an index and pages of notes in it, but it has so much more. I love the insights it offers.
Anyway, the book is called the Groundswell and the authors are Charlebe Li and Josh Bernoff. They are both from Forrester Research and, as Im a researcher well - that's probably another reason why I really like this book. Having read it, I feel like I've time travelled 5 years in 5 weeks and maybe, just for a moment at the end of the book I was up to speed on the internet. Of course, now Im behind again because the internet is evolving so fast! But at least, for a split second, I did feel I had a handle on what was making cyberspace tick.
If you've read this book or you do get around to reading it, drop me a line and let me know what you think. Happy reading.
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